General Going solo?

Just wondering if anyone else gets a membership even if they don't have anyone to go "with"?

Am keen to purchase for next year but there are only single seats left any of the areas I would want to be - and also missus not a big enough fan to warrant her getting a pass too. Looking at going solo and wondering if others do too?

Just wondering if anyone else gets a membership even if they don't have anyone to go "with"?

Am keen to purchase for next year but there are only single seats left any of the areas I would want to be - and also missus not a big enough fan to warrant her getting a pass too. Looking at going solo and wondering if others do too?
Yeah I’ve gone solo since pre-COVID, although next year gave up my ticket because I’m trying to talk the missus into going too.

I go solo because none of my mates are into league, but I still have a great time. Probably better with people you know, but you’ll make friends with other season members around you and it’s always a good vibe regardless.
Just wondering if anyone else gets a membership even if they don't have anyone to go "with"?

Am keen to purchase for next year but there are only single seats left any of the areas I would want to be - and also missus not a big enough fan to warrant her getting a pass too. Looking at going solo and wondering if others do too?
Definitely had my time going solo, the dark days when you couldn't even give away tickets to games.

If you manage to get a seat in a good bay with hearty season members you'll make friends really easy.
I've kept in touch with some old hearty members and we keep in touch outside of the games.
Just wondering if anyone else gets a membership even if they don't have anyone to go "with"?

Am keen to purchase for next year but there are only single seats left any of the areas I would want to be - and also missus not a big enough fan to warrant her getting a pass too. Looking at going solo and wondering if others do too?
It’s funny how people sometimes put a stigma on ‘going solo’ when I was younger I kinda got forced into braving a few things alone when I moved cities knowing not a soul. You soon get used to it been to movies/footy games/concerts solo and it’s fine, better than missing out because no one could be bothered joining you.
In fact I’m going to a movie solo on Monday as I have the day off and the Mrs doesn’t wanna see a movie that I do, just booked a ticket for a concert next year that is a bit of a guilty pleasure band that none of my mates are particularly keen on and plan to do a solo Warriors game next year as I’ll be in town on a game day
It’s funny how people sometimes put a stigma on ‘going solo’ when I was younger I kinda got forced into braving a few things alone when I moved cities knowing not a soul. You soon get used to it been to movies/footy games/concerts solo and it’s fine, better than missing out because no one could be bothered joining you.
In fact I’m going to a movie solo on Monday as I have the day off and the Mrs doesn’t wanna see a movie that I do, just booked a ticket for a concert next year that is a bit of a guilty pleasure band that none of my mates are particularly keen on and plan to do a solo Warriors game next year as I’ll be in town on a game day
Me too, games, movies, concerts. Would rather go solo than miss out. All still super enjoyable.
Rant about not going solo: One thing that really grinds my gears when watching sport is doing it around other people who obviously don't care about the game. I have no problem with people being in my house while an NRL game is on who cannot fathom why'd you watch sport. Cool. Fine. You'd rather talk/use your phone/read? Great. Go sit at my table/outside/whatever. Really annoys me people in my line of sight talking/doing something else rather than watching the game. This happens at Mt Smart, too. Every so often two mates will have tickets in the seson ticket bay I'm in. And will spend the entire game, pretty much talking work/life/crap. Ocassionally, they'll make some "I care about the game!" noises, usually using the F-word to abuse some crap team/player they don't like, but not very often.
Obviously related to the "Hey, let's catch up and chat! What movie theatre would you like to sit in to do that? Cool! 2 Tickets, please to the 8.15 Session of Annoy the Eff Out of The Audience Who Want To Watch Gladiator 2!" Tribe....
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Before my pops moved home, I was a solo season ticket holder and renewed in the same section every year and continue to do so. I happened to be sat next to a group of 4 like minded die-hard’s who in total had bought 8 reserved seats for the season. The other 4 seats were often filled by their work colleagues/clients. Even though I didn’t know them on a personal level, it was honestly the highlight of my week and never felt like I was there alone with the banter we shared.
It’s funny how people sometimes put a stigma on ‘going solo’ when I was younger I kinda got forced into braving a few things alone when I moved cities knowing not a soul. You soon get used to it been to movies/footy games/concerts solo and it’s fine, better than missing out because no one could be bothered joining you.
In fact I’m going to a movie solo on Monday as I have the day off and the Mrs doesn’t wanna see a movie that I do, just booked a ticket for a concert next year that is a bit of a guilty pleasure band that none of my mates are particularly keen on and plan to do a solo Warriors game next year as I’ll be in town on a game day
In my 20s I flatted for a year near a nice Auckland boozer called the Northcote Tavern. I'd slide in there a few times a week after work for a jar and a punt. Sometimes I'd take a book, sometimes I'd watch telly, occasionally I'd yarn to the regulars. In your 20s, your peers look at this kind of behaviour as a bit loser-ish, but I liked it.

By the age of 40, all those same peers look at it as some kind of rarely-obtainable paradise, me included.

My 10-year old comes to about half the games with me and I do the rest solo. However, I feel bad about the empty seat, so this year am going to drag mates along.
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