Sports Boxing

My go to circuit is alternating a minute of step ups with a minute of boxing for 12 minutes. Most big guys fatigue their muscles before they can start building their cardio base. With this circuit, the upper body gets a minute rest while using the step and lower body gets a minute rest while you're boxing so there's no need for breaks during the 12 minutes. Steps is left foot up on the step followed by right foot then left foot back down followed by right foot. Boxing is long light punches done at a consistent pace. Keeping the punches long engages the abs. Go at a pace where your last round is the same pace as your first. Count everything, you should be able to get 50 step reps (4 steps) in per minute and 100 left \ 100 right straight punches in per minute. Alternate stances for steps and punches. You should be able to do a round of straight punches, hooks and uppercuts from an orthodox and southpaw stance totallying 6 punching rounds. Alternate steps between left foot starts and right foot starts for the other 6 rounds. Keep everything light and fast to save your joints. Don't have a heart attack, build into it. Keep focussed, don't fk the steps up lol.
Thanks for posting.

I get what you are saying here. Makes perfect sense to me.

If I get my health back I will have a go.

My go to circuit is alternating a minute of step ups with a minute of boxing for 12 minutes. Most big guys fatigue their muscles before they can start building their cardio base. With this circuit, the upper body gets a minute rest while using the step and lower body gets a minute rest while you're boxing so there's no need for breaks during the 12 minutes. Steps is left foot up on the step followed by right foot then left foot back down followed by right foot. Boxing is long light punches done at a consistent pace. Keeping the punches long engages the abs. Go at a pace where your last round is the same pace as your first. Count everything, you should be able to get 50 step reps (4 steps) in per minute and 100 left \ 100 right straight punches in per minute. Alternate stances for steps and punches. You should be able to do a round of straight punches, hooks and uppercuts from an orthodox and southpaw stance totallying 6 punching rounds. Alternate steps between left foot starts and right foot starts for the other 6 rounds. Keep everything light and fast to save your joints. Don't have a heart attack, build into it. Keep focussed, don't fk the steps up lol.
I’m gonna try this tomorrow.
Couple of questions-
Are u hitting a bag or shadow boxing?
When u throw your punches are u mixing it up- like doubling up on the jab and stuff or just alternating between left and right?

@Viking sorry I edited this later- would u mind answering the above questions?
I tried it this morning- on the bag- I didn’t count as I kept forgetting but fair to say I didn't hit your numbers (till I got to uppercuts then I ripped in).
Will step up the intensity next time but I liked it.
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Skipping and shadow boxing are easy to do anywhere, anytime and with next to no space and equipment, it's something..
I've got a couple of skipping ropes. Brought a speed rope a year or so back. Main issue with skipping at the moment is space. I have a family member with a pile of stuff/crap taking up our garage. Was supposed to be a few weeks. Been half a year now.

I've been doing shadow boxing while I don't have a bag. I've been hanging the TRX up as a target so I have something to move around.

Once I get some space back I was aiming to see if a mate is still interested to do some work on the mitts.

My go to circuit is alternating a minute of step ups with a minute of boxing for 12 minutes. Most big guys fatigue their muscles before they can start building their cardio base. With this circuit, the upper body gets a minute rest while using the step and lower body gets a minute rest while you're boxing so there's no need for breaks during the 12 minutes. Steps is left foot up on the step followed by right foot then left foot back down followed by right foot. Boxing is long light punches done at a consistent pace. Keeping the punches long engages the abs. Go at a pace where your last round is the same pace as your first. Count everything, you should be able to get 50 step reps (4 steps) in per minute and 100 left \ 100 right straight punches in per minute. Alternate stances for steps and punches. You should be able to do a round of straight punches, hooks and uppercuts from an orthodox and southpaw stance totallying 6 punching rounds. Alternate steps between left foot starts and right foot starts for the other 6 rounds. Keep everything light and fast to save your joints. Don't have a heart attack, build into it. Keep focussed, don't fk the steps up lol.
Thanks. I'll give it a go. I've got a box I use for box jumps and step ups. A 12 minute circuit sounds good.

I was doing a lot of circuit work earlier in the year.


Very different to Kevin Barrys stupid trainning.

Check out the movement.

He has looked a lot better under Lee. Similar to Joshua who was loyal and looks to have made improvements after changing trainers.

Barry would talk a good game about what they were working on. The results looked similar, he'd also get hit a lot. Under Barry that Wilder fight likely wouldn't have been pretty. He'd likely have stood in front of Wilder at some point which is a recipe for disaster.
I’m gonna try this tomorrow.
Couple of questions-
Are u hitting a bag or shadow boxing?
When u throw your punches are u mixing it up- like doubling up on the jab and stuff or just alternating between left and right?

@Viking sorry I edited this later- would u mind answering the above questions?
I tried it this morning- on the bag- I didn’t count as I kept forgetting but fair to say I didn't hit your numbers (till I got to uppercuts then I ripped in).
Will step up the intensity next time but I liked it.
Sorry, I've been at athletics all weekend.

Use a bag, I don't think shadow boxing will work. I have a hanging bag and a standing bag, my next toy will be a wall mounted uppercut bag but I tend to use the standing bag for everything. Sand bag bases are much better than water filled IMO. You can pick them up used on trademe from time to time for 200-300. Step can't be too tall as you're moving too fast. When I have done this circuit in a gym with a box instead of a step, I've hit the 30-35 rep range because the big step up and down takes so much longer.

Use one type of punch for each round. Straight \ hook \ uppercut. 3 from orthodox and 3 from southpaw. I only count the right hand so if I'm doing straight left and rights I should get to 100 within a minute for a total of 200 punches thrown. Start at 60 and go up in 10s each week maybe. I get pissed off at myself if I don't make 100 or 50 reps of the 4 steps but I've found that if I go any faster than that, the circuit gets sloppy. Once you get good at it, don't try to go faster or punch harder, just add another 12 minute set.

One of the reasons I like these types of circuits and counting is that it makes you focus and you can't be distracted.

Combo circuits are a different beast as they require moving in and out of range.
Sorry, I've been at athletics all weekend.

Use a bag, I don't think shadow boxing will work. I have a hanging bag and a standing bag, my next toy will be a wall mounted uppercut bag but I tend to use the standing bag for everything. Sand bag bases are much better than water filled IMO. You can pick them up used on trademe from time to time for 200-300. Step can't be too tall as you're moving too fast. When I have done this circuit in a gym with a box instead of a step, I've hit the 30-35 rep range because the big step up and down takes so much longer.

Use one type of punch for each round. Straight \ hook \ uppercut. 3 from orthodox and 3 from southpaw. I only count the right hand so if I'm doing straight left and rights I should get to 100 within a minute for a total of 200 punches thrown. Start at 60 and go up in 10s each week maybe. I get pissed off at myself if I don't make 100 or 50 reps of the 4 steps but I've found that if I go any faster than that, the circuit gets sloppy. Once you get good at it, don't try to go faster or punch harder, just add another 12 minute set.

One of the reasons I like these types of circuits and counting is that it makes you focus and you can't be distracted.

Combo circuits are a different beast as they require moving in and out of range.
Yeah I used to like doing the bas rutten circuits on the bag (dont know if you've tried them?) but I had them all loaded on my laptop which broke and I don't know how to get them again.
I think the step I was using (an old tool box- that's all I could find) was a bit high- what kind of height do u suggest? thanks for the feedback- ill give it another go tonight and try keep count- got training in the morning and I'm looking forward to it, which is a good sign.
He's improved & having a renaissance under his new trainer, the question is how far he can take it now I guess.
I seriously thought he was done not long ago.
Jo was a much better fighter before Barry.

He was quick, and could pop off a fast straight right to the body. I thought he would go far with those assets, even though he was smallish without a knockout, I still thought with footwork under a good trainer and head movement he could bring speed to the heavyweight division and win on points.
Takes on all comers.
With great risk comes great reward- surely if he wins this he’s looking at a fight with usyk or a rematch with Joshua?
It’s been a long time since I’ve been this interested in boxing.
Joshua has a glass Jaw hey, but wo and betide any of those sledge hammers hitting you. Still Jo made it through twelve rounds the first time so anything could happen if he is not over awed in a rematch.

I notice Jo has matured a lot as a person, no longer the nice humble guy thing so much, looks like hanging around the Gypsies has done him no end of good.
You think Parker is better under is current management or did Father Time sneak up on Wilder.
Both. Parkers footwork has improved and Wilders footwork has deteriorated. No heavyweight moves as well in their late 30s as they did in their 20s and early 30s. Wilder's right hand is still as dangerous as it ever was though and Lee had Parker stay on script to keep him out of it's range. Parker showed great discipline not to tee off on Wilder after landing something big denying Wilder the chance to counter without having to find Parker which is when Wilders at his most dangerous.

Zhang has very good hands for one of the biggest heavyweights and would knock Fury out if they fought but would struggle with a mover like Usyk. Zhang's right hook sets up a lot of his knockouts because it isn't a punch orthodox fighters are used to dealing with. He doesn't have Wilders one punch power though, his knockouts come from cumulative damage and he's especially dangerous when he can get his opponent cornered. I doubt he'd fight well off the back foot but nobody has managed to push him backwards. It's beneficial for Parker that the fight is in Riyadh as the ring is full sized for the big occasion. Parker can't stay in front of Zhang and if he can roll to his right to avoid that long right hook of Zhang, and not get pinned in the corners or on the ropes, his own opportunities will come if he can frustrate Zhang. Zhang has been dropped by Joshua in the olympics and again in the pro's so it can be done.
Joshua has a glass Jaw
I don't reckon his jaw is as bad as the pundits make out. Klitchko had him down but he got up to get a TKO. Ruiz blitzed him but he came straight back to win the rematch. You don't get off the canvas to TKO someone or win an immediate rematch against someone who destroyed you without a decent jaw and a lot of heart. And plenty of fighters with iron jaws stay on the canvas when they're exhausted. Joshua's issue is his muscles IMO, he'd be a lot better with Lewis's build, not fat but not built either. He probably makes a lot less money without the adonis image though.
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