Current Affairs Black Coast Vanishings - Documentary

not sure how police could have known she was brown or where she was from.

but agreed, massive police fuck up. and fucking wild they tried to drop the blame on the two ladies who tried to help her.
When you phone the cops you have to give your home address and spell your name out to them.

Iraena Te Rama Awhina Asher does not sound like Chloe or Suzie Smith.
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I think the Woodhill Forest contains a few skeletons related to a group you mention if rumours are to be believed.

Yeah, body in the boot eh.

A lot of that crowd know the forest pretty well, Shrooms are a local hobby out west in the forest eh.

People always take bodies to some natural feature to hide the evidence eh. Well not always, some are brazen and will just bury you in the back yard.

But mostly groups use the natural features they know for grave yards.

Ergo the Triads who do not do a lot of hunting or bush crashing in NZ tend to chop you up and put you in the Firth of Thames or other water related places for lack of bush craft.
I always loved the idea of living out there but this doco has definitely ended that little fantasy.

Interesting it was also an area fought over by maori.

Hearing Irena's family talking about the area was spine chilling

If you just love a west coast setting to watch sunsets over an ocean then Clarks beach is a pretty special West cost Harbour setting on the Manukau.

No surfing but.

It does not have the sinister vibes of Piha and many other West coast line dark places.

Also the locals are friendly.

The only thing scary out Clarks beach way (like the entire West coast) is the White pointers.

But I love big sharks, especially White sharks. So that only adds to the excitement of the place for me.
Probably the only part of the West coast I would want to retire to.
Or in drains.

There is a pattern there.

Dumping rather than proper digging and concealment.
Once I was owed a lot of money by a couple of Chinese businessmen. After a couple of years I found a sneaky way to get paid, they didn't like it and threatened me with the triads. We had words and nothing came of it. However, one of them previously had told me that he couldn't understand how bad Kiwi workers were and that he had called a plumber to fix a tap at his house. The plumber failed to show up when he said so the Chinese guy called him back and told him he wasn't happy, to which the plumber told him to fuck off.
I shrugged and said, that is Kiwi tradies for you, to which he replied, if a plumber told me to fuck off in China he would never be seen again.
Once I was owed a lot of money by a couple of Chinese businessmen. After a couple of years I found a sneaky way to get paid, they didn't like it and threatened me with the triads. We had words and nothing came of it. However, one of them previously had told me that he couldn't understand how bad Kiwi workers were and that he had called a plumber to fix a tap at his house. The plumber failed to show up when he said so the Chinese guy called him back and told him he wasn't happy, to which the plumber told him to fuck off.
I shrugged and said, that is Kiwi tradies for you, to which he replied, if a plumber told me to fuck off in China he would never be seen again.

Not cool bro.

Good on you for standing up to them, it takes balls.
The cops killed Iraena by a failure of duty of care.

A woman rings up afraid, tells you she has been drugged, tells you she is scared of people in the house she is in.

In any civilized country in the world that sparks at a minimum a welfare check from Police.

In this case, brown girl phones the cops, says she has been drugged, Police won't help her, they agree to send her a Taxi....nice work....job dodged.....Brown Girl you are on your own.
Incidentally the cops send the Taxi to Onehunga.

This would never happen if she was from an affluent part of this country and single white female.

Sounds like Iraena went with a friend to a gathering at Piha, saw the gang shit, got forced to have drugs, was too scared to tell the Police the exact type of people around her (no one out West rings the cops and says I am in a house with some of the gang that are notorious out there - and they are drugging me).

That is how you get killed.

The fact she took off when the random strangers she went to for help phoned the cops says it all really.

Probably too scared to be tied into something that pits her against those 88 clowns and the police - she just wanted to get away safely and quietly.

I dealt with meth cooks from Piha, all tied into the heads (one of them not by choice poor kient).

Very alarming that she was naked means she was attacked.

Very convenient for Authorities that she has a mental illness and that there is a dangerous beach there. Tidies away the whole thing nicely without having to lift a finger....more of the phone a taxi for brown girl lack of interest in an obvious murder.
I remember that case from back in the day. 100% police negligence. That could have been the tip of a global sex trafficking ring.
Good point.

Iraena was lured there eh, makes a new friend, new friend turns out to be a gang mole doing the luring ala Maxwell.
Even from a police intelligence point of view. It could be nothing, or it could be everything; from the limited information they had.
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