Politics đź¤ˇ Donald Trump



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An American libertarian (far right neoliberal in other words) thinktank

The problem I have with the article is that it is ridiculous to say that the ĂśS defended some opium fields and bombed others and call it a turf war.

It is overly simplistic to call the defence of territory where people exist and do shit like grow poppies and call that a drug war while bombing Taliban areas which also have people who grow poppies.

As for the funding of the opium fertilizer, yes this will invariably happen, not much to say about that other than it is a bad world and shit happens when people need to eat.

But the part that I really have a problem with is the smear piece about funding child sex offenders.

Sex offenders are attracted to opportunities to access children the world over. It is what sex offenders do.

Funding child charities is not funding sex offenders. It is funding charities, which invariably attract predators by virtue of what they are. That goes for every school in the world, every kindergarten you name it.

It is like saying Catholics, the millions and zillions of them knowingly fund the worlds biggest pedo ring and therefore you could do a smear piece on the parishioners who donate to their various parishes.


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