Social 👶 Where's Sup42

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Had a good laugh with some of the posts on this thread, but on a more serious note I'd like to say you do a very good job with moderating on this forum. Anything too controversial gets taken down quickly. There are a few out there that must live under rocks considering how much news coverage there is around personal attacks on refs families etc and the consequences. I will make it clear that I didn't see any posts directly of this nature from Sup42 though.
But who's going to call us all dumb khunts in the game day thread now? I nominate Commonsense ;)

Thought he mustve been sent to the naughty corner. Didnt agree on some things with him but when his emotion didnt get the better of him (lol could literally feel the rage dripping off his posts sometimes), he had some really well thought out arguements and ideas over a wide range of topics,

Life goes on, up the Wahs!
Yeah agree with that, I’ve had some run ins with him & I’m def not one of his favs on here 😛 however there’s no denying he’s an intelligent bloke, just needs to be channeled the right way.
Seems like a good bloke tbf. Sounds like he’s copped a fair bit of racism in his life which isn’t good, gets quite emotional about it which is understandable.
Always found his posts game-wise & polically spot on. Haven't seen where his posts have gone over the edge, but thats not to say they haven't...
Have seen some posts that I've wanted to respond to but held back...Sup hasn't. Maybe the moderators should nip some other comments in the bud? But then, like me you don't complain.
Having said that,'ve got friends and shitloads of understanding where you're coming from. I always look at it as no matter what, some never
understand so let it go bro...some of us know and support you! Maybe they don't get it and thats
their loss. Don't let them drag you kaha
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Always found his posts game-wise & polically spot on. Haven't seen where his posts have gone over the edge, but thats not to say they haven't...
Have seen some posts that I've wanted to respond to but held back...Sup hasn't. Maybe the moderators should nip some other comments in the bud? But then, like me you don't complain.
Having said that,'ve got friends and shitloads of understanding where you're coming from. I always look at it as no matter what, some never
understand so let it go bro...some of us know and support you! Maybe they don't get it and thats
their loss. Don't let them drag you kaha

Yeah yeah I’m sure he’s a “nice guy” and all that. End of the day, as mentioned, he was banned for making homophobic and racial taunts. You may not have seen it (assumed it was deleted) or take a blind eye, but the fact remains he crossed the line. If he’s a man of integrity he’ll own up to his mistakes, not look for excuses or “ friends” supporting his behaviour . The ban I assume is temporary so he’ll be back. Just don’t come at me @sup42 or you’re back on my block list 😉 😘
Yeah yeah I’m sure he’s a “nice guy” and all that. End of the day, as mentioned, he was banned for making homophobic and racial taunts. You may not have seen it (assumed it was deleted) or take a blind eye, but the fact remains he crossed the line. If he’s a man of integrity he’ll own up to his mistakes, not look for excuses or “ friends” supporting his behaviour . The ban I assume is temporary so he’ll be back. Just don’t come at me @sup42 or you’re back on my block list 😉 😘
Not defending any sort of posts like that, didn't see them. Just responding to someone saying he's in a bit of a dark spot atm?
Regardless, have appreciated his more insightful posts at times.
And ftr, have seen some uncalled for or unjustified posts from others on here from time to time so his must've been over the line to earn being blocked. The guy is not usually pushed that far (whatever pushed him) so hoping he pulls back and gets back in the debates a bit wiser.
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