Social 👶 Where's Sup42

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Banned from posting for a week for making repeatedly racist and homophobic posts. When banned then threw a hissyfit and made derogatory remarks towards the moderation in his essay how a brown person cannot be racist.

Sup doesnt think moderation applies to him. Doesnt think a non white can say anything racist. Thinks he knows everything and only his opinion is worthy.

Holiday well justified.
On a related note @Victor_Radley's_Scrotum is on holiday too. We dont mind jokes but if you repeatedly make offensive jokes and hope someone gets cancer and dies and then proceed to double then triple down on that stance, you are just asking for trouble especially if the post gets reported by members.

Tldr; dont offend other members.

Thanks to all who report such behaviour. Dont get a chance to thank that enough but it is always appreciated.
Banned from posting for a week for making repeatedly racist and homophobic posts. When banned then threw a hissyfit and made derogatory remarks towards the moderation.

Sup doesnt think moderation applies to him. Doesnt think a non white can say anything racist. Thinks he knows everything and only his opinion is worthy.
Always knew he was an idiot. Blocked him months ago
On a related note @Victor_Radley's_Scrotum is on holiday too. We dont mind jokes but if you repeatedly make offensive jokes and hope someone gets cancer and dies and then proceed to double then triple down on that stance, you are just asking for trouble especially if the post gets reported by members.

Tldr; dont offend other members.

Thanks to all who report such behaviour. Dont get a chance to thank that enough but it is always appreciated.
In my defense, I only say things like that about the British royal family.
Sup has a few problems so hope he gets them sorted & doesn't get weighed down by this.
Time out will do him good.
He’s a live cannon that guy.
Full of emotion and rage sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️
But i think that’s ok provided you don’t cross the line. But if you do accept your punishment like a man and all is forgiven. Too many people hold grudges over the most stupidest of arguments……. and can’t let go.

Not naming you @Bruce 😂
But who's going to call us all dumb khunts in the game day thread now? I nominate Commonsense ;)

Thought he mustve been sent to the naughty corner. Didnt agree on some things with him but when his emotion didnt get the better of him (lol could literally feel the rage dripping off his posts sometimes), he had some really well thought out arguements and ideas over a wide range of topics,

Life goes on, up the Wahs!
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