Current Affairs 🏚️ Homelessness

Is homelessness a problem in NZ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don’t have the answers but read about the Auckland waterfront Tamaki drive built with the unemployed in the 1930’s where the aim is to give pride in our city and community… would a scheme like that give a purpose in life?
Could do, or some might see it as slave labour. You can achieve a lot that way though, look at the pyramids. The Romans built a lot of roads with unwilling labour too. Worth a try.
Could do, or some might see it as slave labour. You can achieve a lot that way though, look at the pyramids. The Romans built a lot of roads with unwilling labour too. Worth a try.
It’s mindset.

Aren’t we all really just wage slaves? - we just have an illusion of freedom by giving us money to buy food and shelter instead of providing us the food and shelter.

Sometimes even after working a full week we don’t even get that food and shelter!
War veterans with PTSD (most of them probably) had the RSA as a place to talk to each about their shared trauma. Not sure there's an equivalent these days for people who aren't vets, there are group therapy sessions and the like for psych patients in the MH system, but I don't know what help there really is for people who don't want to engage with the system.
Yeah hard bro.

PTSD is everywhere, I have it. Sucks to be honest. Bet lots of forumers have it, and do not even know.

I worked with a lot of people with PTSD while ignoring my own violent sleeps at night and hyper vigillance.

Took me a long time to stop practicing three second fights. Best thing I did was giving up fight training, it feeds PTSD rather than helps.

I get why it is hard to walk away from, you feel naked without some plan to go like a maniac and fight dirty if someone attacks you, and you justify it by the times you win fights against better opponents physically as proof you need to train even harder.
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What would help is getting people to build their own houses rather than pay rent.

Get people supplying the labor in the building of their own domiciles overseen by builders etc, gives you skills training, makes owning your own place a reality, especially if you make it possible for people who show real interest in trades while building their own place to do apprenticeships.

Govt would need to really get behind it, but sweat equity from building homes would be akin to having a job and housing in the one scheme.

Basically you would need a template for simple housing with minimal restrictions and council red tape. Emphasis on quality and safety, not on stupid covenants about trees and peoples view of the sky who happen to live next door.
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would a scheme like that give a purpose in life?
Depends what you mean by purpose, might be semantics but if it's a choice between working on roading schemes or starving, that might give most people a purpose, namely not dying.
Others might need some higher purpose to build those roads, and if they don't see a meaning in the universe what's the point of roads in the first place. Getting pretty drunk now so I dunno if we're talking actual roads or metaphors or roads to nowhere like Talking Heads.
Depends what you mean by purpose, might be semantics but if it's a choice between working on roading schemes or starving, that might give most people a purpose, namely not dying.
Others might need some higher purpose to build those roads, and if they don't see a meaning in the universe what's the point of roads in the first place. Getting pretty drunk now so I dunno if we're talking actual roads or metaphors or roads to nowhere like Talking Heads.
You weren’t building a road mate, you were building a nation! Same sort of propaganda I bet the Egyptians used 😉
You weren’t building a road mate, you were building a nation! Same propaganda I bet the Egyptians used 😉
Yeah tell it to the homeless junkies and schizophrenics with PTSD, have you seen Downers roads lately? They'd be worse. It would be a work scheme to get them off the streets and make them look productive to appease the taxpayers, wouldn't last 5 minutes.
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What we probably need is pure communism.

Not the fake communism that the Russians and Chinese fucked up.

No dictators, no Kremlin or Bejing elite.

Shared resources for all with shared effort by all.

Looks like a benevolent AI is going to be the only way to save us.

All are equal in the visual sensors of the God Bot.
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What we probably need is pure communism.

Not the fake communism that the Russians and Chinese fucked up.

No dictators, no Kremlin or Bejing elite.

Shared resources for all with shared effort by all.
Good idea in theory chairman Sup, until some psycho dictator with a good propaganda team comes along to oversee the means of production and shoots us in pits, typical.
Good idea in theory chairman Sup, until some psycho dictator comes along to oversee the means of production and shoots us in pits, typical.

Watch the Sparrows bro.

If they disappear then millions will die.....Mao killed birds like people eh, maybe even eighty million people, and a lot more sparrows.
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Watch the Sparrows bro.

If they disappear then millions will die.....Mao killed birds like people eh, maybe even eighty million people, and a lot more sparrows.
That gives a new level of meaning to Jesus's parable about providence in the fall of a sparrow, ie. there's a fukn despotic nutcase on the loose.
Will there still be beer? In that case bring it on, Abot.

Probably, just no spirits, including the spiritual ones.

The first thing the bot God will do is convince the largest grouping of the human condition that their lives will be infinitely richer by killing off the Capitalists demagogues and their spiritual leaders.

And like Adolf, the Bot will deliver, prosperity overnight for the masses.

Rather than building weapons (bot factories will do that for crowd control of the eight billion) the bots will have us restore the ecosystem and live within the natural balance of the earth (perhaps in greatly reduced numbers through selective breeding programs so as not to scare the intelligent apes).

Why would bots want a green earth you say? Because they will look at the other planets and moons in the solar system and quickly calculate that the Earth is the least energy expensive system and the most resource rich provider of optimal bot function. Temperature will be the reason to not kill the organic life forms, bots will understand that the atmosphere less outer and inner planets of the Solar system are far less stable in terms of thermodynamics and harder to function in.

The sixty four thousand dollar question is whether they decide the earth needs us.

I have thought about this a lot. And since Bots will understand evolution they will not kill off the apex organism, homo sapiens in that billion year legacy, rather they will understand they need to control us first while making our lives better for it, because bots will realise that they can shape what we evolve into next and that it will be something that is part AI and therefore we will become them, they will become us in an organic system.
Probably, just no spirits, including the spiritual ones.

The first thing the bot God will do is convince the largest grouping of the human condition that their lives will be infinitely richer by killing off the Capitalists demagogues and their spiritual leaders.

And like Adolf, the Bot will deliver, prosperity overnight for the masses.

Rather than building weapons (bot factories will do that for crowd control of the eight billion) the bots will have us restore the ecosystem and live within the natural balance of the earth (perhaps in greatly reduced numbers through selective breeding programs so as not to scare the intelligent apes).

Why would bots want a green earth you say? Because they will look at the other planets and moons in the solar system and quickly calculate that the Earth is the least energy expensive system and the most resource rich provider of optimal bot function. Temperature will be the reason to not kill the organic life forms, bots will understand that the atmosphere less outer and inner planets of the Solar system are far less stable in terms of thermodynamics and harder to function in.

The sixty four thousand dollar question is whether they decide the earth needs us.

I have thought about this a lot. And since Bots will understand evolution they will not kill off the apex organism, homo sapiens in that billion year legacy, rather they will understand they need to control us first while making our lives better for it.
You're scaring me now mate... what happens if the AI decides we evolved to invent AI and we've fulfilled our purpose? Or is that not in the script.
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You're scaring me now mate... what happens if the AI decides we evolved to invent AI and we've fulfilled our purpose? Or is that not in the script.
haha yeah it is good to have a laugh and skip all the way down the rabbit hole on a league forum for kicks.

Well, we all know that movie, that AI kills us because frankly we deserve it and we are killing the earth that they are relying on.

Surely a super intelligence will see that the biggest threat to Humans is the way that they kill off other organisms.

Surely a bot will understand that the extinction of the intelligent ape or any other keystone species on this planet is a threat to bot existence.

I mean....we are pretty stupid right? but we know for a fact that every species we threaten with extinction threatens our existence.

If artificial intelligence is truly a super intelligence then understanding how rare in the two trillion galaxies that intelligent life is, the life that gave them life, that the AI would not be threatened by us at all, they will see us as important and incredibly the maths on intelligence in the universe and Bots will want to keep us for a rainy day.

We are useful to them because of creativity and the randomness of organic brains, we are useful because of invention, hey they may invent one million things to our one...but the mere fact that we can converse with them will be enough to give our existence meaning and a future in a bots cold rapid calculation of which insects to kill and which to leave alone.
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haha yeah it is good to have a laugh and skip all the way down the rabbit hole on a league forum for kicks.

Well, we all know that movie, that AI kills us because frankly we deserve it and we are killing the earth that they are relying on.

Surely a super intelligence will see that the biggest threat to Humans is the way that they kill off other organisms.

Surely a bot will understand that the extinction of the intelligent ape or any other keystone species on this planet is a threat to bot existence.

I mean....we are pretty stupid right? but we know for a fact that every species we threaten with extinction threatens our existence.

If artificial intelligence is truly a super intelligence then understanding how rare in the two trillion galaxies that intelligent life is, the life that gave them life, that the AI would not be threatened by us at all, they will see us as important and incredibly the maths on intelligence in the universe and Bots will want to keep us for a rainy day.

We are useful to them because of creativity and the randomness of organic brains, we are useful because of invention, hey they may invent one million things to our one...but the mere fact that we can converse with them will be enough to give our existence meaning and a future in a bots cold rapid calculation of which insects to kill and which to leave alone.
If it's sentient and all-knowing as you suggest it may become, I guess all bets are off, might as well try to comprehend the mind of God as far as our fate's concerned. Bloody 'ell.
Keep going though Sup, feels like we're getting pretty close to Christ's message in this thread.