Social ðŸŽ§ Finding Heidi podcast

It is interesting how the key witness in the podcast turns out to be Dean Olds who is a self confessed thief and Pot guy.

Wolf takes on a lot of risk going and interviewing people around the case.

Surely he must realize there is a chance his investigation will eventually put him in a room with a killer.

Serial killers of a certain profile like to inject themselves into the investigation.

For example, try to imagine that the reason Dean Olds has come forward now, is that he was involved himself.

With that in mind, if you re listen to the tone of his interview and how he keeps directing the script to finger people who are now dead and gone, or too old to do anything about him, Dean himself cuts a troubling figure.

Listen carefully to Deans lack of appropriate emotion in that interview, not once does he sound remorseful, there is no survivor guilt, there is no soul searching. His voice at no point portrays the elements of a man who saw what he is talking about, Heidi being held by the elbow looking petrified (his own words) rather than distressing the speaker juxtaposes into a half chuckle 'Youse got the wrong guy" he says of the police.

In the preamble to the interview Wolf himself gives a warning that the content is disturbing, none of that is reflected in the tone of Dean Olds account.

Wolf says Dean Olds was very nervous.

He says he was not aware of the Murders living in Whangamata.

Well he must never have gone to the shops, the petrol station, or spoken with any locals, and certainly never went and had a beer with anyone there.

For two years he says he knew nothing of the Murders.

He is lying. Everyone knew, it was the biggest case on the Coromandel and even up the valleys and in the back of beyond, people knew there had been the worst crime in the peninsular history.

The first thing that pot growers and smokers notice is cops and helicopters.

Put it this way, the F.B.I. profiling unit would have investigated Olds and his mate, too convenient that they found the body, too convenient that he knew they were being held hostage according to his account (he is lying about not knowing after the fact that they were murdered)
Not saying Old's did it, what I am saying is, that there is something very wrong with his account and the F.B.I would have made him central to their investigation as a critical witness.
I lived on the Coromandel then. You are right, there is no way anyone was aware of the murders. Posters were up everywhere in every town. It was very big news. He is lying saying he was unaware. Criminals are very aware of what is happening. Also, if you were part of the pot growing fraternity, every Police move was monitored.
No I think he’s suggesting someone else did to divert attention away from parakiwai
So the only thing the cops did wrong was to think they were killed at Crosbies Crossing, that seems to be a red herring.

It seems Sven Hoglin was definitely killed near where his body was found. So the Turners set a good wild goose chase.

What I am still figuring out is if one of the Turners was mistaken for Tamihere, how does that work out?
The locals knew Turner, and Tamihere's family were from the same road.

There must be more to this.
I lived on the Coromandel then. You are right, there is no way anyone was aware of the murders. Posters were up everywhere in every town. It was very big news. He is lying saying he was unaware. Criminals are very aware of what is happening. Also, if you were part of the pot growing fraternity, every Police move was monitored.
Yeah I'm from the Hauraki and Coro region through family. Lived their on and off a lot. Still do go over there lots/there is a family homestead still going strong there.

Some mates of mine were smokers and growers. I know that is like saying some of your mates watched the Warriors in local terms.

Coromandel gold, and Great Barrier Reefer were the famous strains of pot from there back then eh. That was before all the Skunk bred for Hydroponics came in to NZ.

Strong pot in their day and some people smoked it like cigarettes, and then some smoked it like chain smokers.

When you hear some of these locals talk you can almost hear Banjo music.

Coromandel for Fonzies reference was the Nimbin of NZ. in terms of the life style but unlike Nimben, you would be pretty well ignored or even at risk wandering around Coro asking to score if you are a total stranger.

Quite a few tourists over the years in the pub up there have approached me and asked me for DAK.
Ok… tried to listed to the podcast… even skipped through to episode 7.

It’s dead slow! My attention span can’t handle it. Seems the whole series could have be condensed into an hour.

Someone give a thorough run down on what’s the good oil please.
Skip to episode 11
I struggled at first, not the Podcasters fault, I am used to hearing stuff like 'cut the land ladies head off last year, post mortem report in the file is quite different on this one, can you look after him today? he doesn't like new people, and never call him by his real name...he goes by the handle blah will be fine because you can play Chess, give him a game, he will be your friend for life, never let him win....he will know'

Otherwise I would have probably enjoyed the slow burn style if it were on another subject.

I said before I didn't like the presenters style, but he grew on me by episode 7 and I quite enjoyed his communication style.
If I listened accurately, was anyone else bothered by the scene where they went to some alleged police diggings in the soil and were handling visible bone until he exclaims 'yeah its not human, vertebra is too large'
In the past a Warriors crime predictably lead to the Perp being the coach, despite seventeen other suspects on any given case.
Well, to be fair

It’s a well known fact most coaches are psychopaths

Look at this mad karnt and tell me otherwise 😉

On Finding Heidi

Is the moral of the story cops are just stupidly incompetent ? And our laws littered with holes?

I’m at the prejury episode…
On Finding Heidi

Is the moral of the story cops are just stupidly incompetent ? And our laws littered with holes?

I’m at the prejury episode…

The problem with the cops in these cases is not stupidity. It is blindness towards open minded investigation.

And the biggest hurdle was dna tech being in its infancy, profiling and serial killers etc also not being in our psyche (our meaning the police).

Every country behaves this way until they have a spate of their first serial criminals, the cops and politicians will say that only happens in America or other countries, not here.

Having said that about dna the Ben Smart and Olivia hope murders stink.

A conviction based off one conveniently found hair on a boat, sounds a lot like the planted shell in the Crew murders.
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Ok, I’ve listened to episode 11 on.

The new evidence is this guy blaming the brothers (seems the same person posting on the Ian Wishart thread). He sounds pretty legitimate and those guys sound dodgy as.

So am I correct this was the same guy that found the guys body and also saw it when the murders went down?

And he didn’t tell the police at the time???

And Tamihere is still dodgy and deserved everything he got. Don’t ever be a murderer and get caught stealing dead peoples car…
Ok, I’ve listened to episode 11 on.

The new evidence is this guy blaming the brothers (seems the same person posting on the Ian Wishart thread). He sounds pretty legitimate and those guys sound dodgy as.

So am I correct it this was the same guy that found the guys body and also saw it when the murders went down?

And he didn’t tell the police at the time???

Oh mate, thanks for ruining the ending ……I guess you did save me some 8hrs of podcast listening

And that’s so completely messed up if true ie family involved conspiring to hide the truth.. society today is a mess… actually isn’t his brother also a politician ???
Oh mate, thanks for ruining the ending ……I guess you did save me some 8hrs of podcast listening

And that’s so completely messed up if true ie family involved conspiring to hide the truth.. society today is a mess… actually isn’t his brother also a politician ???
You got it a bit wrong, two other brothers.

You gotta check out the detail. It’s actually fascinating to listen to.
There’s still a twist or two to come bro
You mean future episodes? I’ve listened to what’s posted and tried not to give too much away. The third brother seemed there but not in on it?

If the cars really were switched, how did Tamihere end up with it with their gear in it?

1 - Tamihere was in on it
2 - they framed Tamihere
3 - they dumped the car and Tamihere independently stole it?

Why let Tamihere have the car and gear. Why not make it all just disappear?

Whangamata is a dodgy place - almost bought a batch there years ago and glad I didn’t🤣
It’s dead slow! My attention span can’t handle it.
I agree, and it will detract from his opinions in the end.
Like I said, apparently he has a law degree, lawyers are not trained to present a case like that.