Social 🎧 Finding Heidi podcast

I will reply in detail later but just two quick points - where you refer to ‘Bear Turner’ the junkie it actually should be Donald Turner, Bears younger brother

Also it was Bear and not the father who was charged with murder
Thanks brother.
I never wrote down any of the stuff in the podcast, so I am working on my dogey memory, that is why the invitation to the fact checkers.
I haven't read anymore. I could pay $6, that isn't a problem, but I don't have much spare time this week.

Just some facts for the trainspotters to check, as far as I can remember.

The time line:

Tamihere told Police he had hitch hiked back to Thames on the Kopu Road about the same time Heidi and Sven were seen driving their Subaru from the Kopu Road into Thames with a hitch hiker, who looked a lot like Tamihere.

Following that Heidi and Sven got a haircut in Thames. That is the second to last time any sort of respectable person (not a druggie) saw them both alive.

The next time they were both seen alive, apart from by a druggie, was the old farmer doing his fencing up the Parakiwai Quarry Road near Whangamata.

It appears David Tamihere was driving. Heidi was in the passenger seat watching the road. Urban was relaxing on the back seat. They were driving not much faster than walking speed, so probably looking for something.

Tamihere knows that area well, his family have land in the area.

Bear Turner, a heroin addict, goes to Hamilton to collect his girlfriend, also a heroin user, and takes her back to the Turner farm towards the bottom of the Quarry Road. Why? Why do addicts go anywhere? Usually to score a fix.

The Turner family are known to be violent people, that nobody messes with, and one of them (the father) gets charged with murder some years later for running into a guy with his vehicle.

When Bear Turners girlfriend arrives she sees one of the Turners, and a guy who could be Sven walking across the stream behind the house.

At around the same time some other dude, whose name I cannot remember, visits the same farmhouse and sees Sven under guard by one of the Turner brothers, looking scared. Heidi is escorted out of a building by another Turner brother, looking "petrified". He is holding her by the arm.

He sees no sign of David Tamihere, he says.

There are two similar Subarus, and one of the Turners is changing the number plate.

Now back to what Bear's girlfriend saw.

She saw Tamihere driving a green car, with Heidi in the front seat looking very uncomfortable, like in a state of fear. They drove up the Quarry Road, and Heidi is never seen again by her.

However two other witnesses say they saw a guy who looks like Tamihere, and Heidi, who is distinctively attractive, together on two occasions in Whangamata.

One occasion was at a beach south of Whangamata. They were standing close together, and he appeared to be holding her arm, or her hand.

The other occasion, also in Whangamata, was when they went into a bar together. Tamihere was holding her hand,as in control. She had puffy eyes like she was upset. After walking in, for some reason Tamihere turned and took her out of the bar.

Now the other time they might have been seen was at Crosbie's crossing, north east of Thames, and a five hour hike into the bush from the top of the road. Some of their items were found there, Tamihere was definitely there about that time.

The two guys who saw them were experienced trampers. Their description sort of fitted Heidi, tall and blonde but with makeup, which she didn't use. the description of the guy fits Tamihere.

A quick summation, to be stood corrected, I think it possible that that Sven and Heidi didn't go to the Parakiwai Quarry Road sightseeing.

The next valley over,the Wentworth Valley had tourist quality items like a waterfall and camping ground. Tamihere was known to frequent that area.
There is no evidence they went there.

My guess is they were not visiting the Turner dope dealing family to experience NZ hospitality. My guess is there were either caught ripping off dope from a plot, or were on the wrong end of a drug score gone wrong.

Sven was almost certainly killed near that house. Did he try to escape and get dealt to with knives? Maybe they they had not decided what to do with both of them when Sven bolted, but after the murder they had to deal with her as well.

What was Tamihere's role? Was he involved in the rip off? That I cannot suss, but he definitely was seen to be driving Heidi away.

Did he take her on a Tiki Tour, to satisfy his psychopathic urges? He seems to have taken her to the beach south of Whangamata, and to the bar in Whangamata.

Did he take her up to Crosbies Clearing as well, and eventually deal to her there?

Now, the Police role.

Ryan Wolf thinks the Police are evil bastards. So he is looking for a conspiracy theory that they have tried to cover this up.

In particular he tries to finger Det Sgt Del Read, a highly experienced detective for altering Bear Turner's girlfriend's statement.

Just to balance all that shite.

The Police obviously got the circumstances wrong.

Tamihere was clearly involved. If he was innocent he had every opportunity to come clean with his side of the story. So they almost certainly got it right him for murdering Heidi, and quite possibly at Crosbies Crossing, but he probably didn't kill Sven.

How sad, so sorry, never mind.

The Police always develop a close empathetic relationship with the victims, and their families. They definitely feel they owe something to the victims to get the killers.

So when they found Sven in 1991, in the wrong place. They swooped on all those guys around there and grilled them.

They would have got enough information to work out what had happened, but probably not enough to charge anybody, and they already had the most dangerous one behind bars.

If it was a dope thing, they probably told the family, but otherwise kept it quiet. There was no need to sully their reputations, and cause more pain to the family.

That would explain to me the response of Det Sgt Del Read to Ryan Wolf. "I am not talking to you about this!!"

That is the response of a detective well aware of what happened, saying I think you are farkwit, I am not going to give you anything to cause more distress to the families.

That is not the response of a guilty cop trying to cover up.

Over to you ladies and jellybeans, put me straight.
I skipped through the earlier episodes but is the person who found svens body the same one who walked into the group and saw Heidi and Sven before they were murdered?
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I think so, but I am not sure.
If he is then I think he already knew the body was there…

He was telling half truths. Didn’t really know about them being missing (yea right) but remembered seeing them in detail years earlier. Also he’s the only one that claimed the number plates being switched.

Confirming they were at the property, finding the body and creating the car swap issue is a lot for one guy to witness…

Only thing he didn’t know about was Tamihere. Said he never met him??? Thought everyone would know him in that circle?
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I was interested in the way John handled the media in those days, I was studying some criminology papers.

He never tried to convince people that his brother was innocent, It just came across that way.

John's argument which he argued so strongly was that his brother was presumed innocent, as per anyones right to fair process, and he (John) insisted that from what he was made aware of - that his brother was not being given a fair trial.

When asked directly whether he thought his brother was innocent, he refused to answer yes or no.

I did feel sorry for John in those days, being dragged down by the whole spectacle, not his fault his brother was a toe rag - nor anything he could do about his own position as a lawyer.

I am related to the family in an extended sense, never met either brother which is kinda odd given we all were in the criminal justic circle in one way or another.
I have been watching a lot of lawyers on YouTube the last few years. A lot will livestream cases or follow various cases. One of them was the Murdaugh murders which has a NetFlix series going over the case. A lot of the lawyers didn't watch the series as they wanted the evidence to speak for itself. A common theme around the case was the judge letting the prosecution phrase questions or get the case moving in a direction where it was assumed he was guilty and he had to prove his innocence instead of the presumed innocent and needing to prove guilt.

It was reported here but just the news that he was guilty. Watching parts of it I can see where the lawyers were coming from.

How many cases do we have where that has been the case.

A difficult position to be in having a family member accused of something like this. They are entitled to a fair trial so like everyone else you can find out the truth. Then it would be a case of dealing with the fallout.
I've seen Arthur Allan Thomas mentioned a few times. We were on holiday either at the Mount or in the Coromandel when I was young. We were at the beach and ready to leave, my mother and I were waiting for my father in the car. He was talking to a guy for a while. When he came back I asked him who the guy was as I thought it was someone he knew.

He told me he was a convicted killer, then said his name. He gave me a bit of background. I obviously behaved that night.

Since then when his case has come up I've taken interest in the developments.
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The sighting at Crosbies Clearing was of a ‘swarthy’ man resembling Tamihere and a blonde with makeup. I don’t think that was the Swedes. Interestingly, in the podcast Bear Turner is identified as looking similar to Tamihere, and his girlfriend is described as a blonde who wore lots of make-up.
I've seen Arthur Allan Thomas mentioned a few times. We were on holiday either at the Mount or in the Coromandel when I was young. We were at the beach and ready to leave, my mother and I were waiting for my father in the car. He was talking to a guy for a while. When he came back I asked him who the guy was as I thought it was someone he knew.

He told me he was a convicted killer, then said his name. He gave me a bit of background. I obviously behaved that night.

Since then when his case has come up I've taken interest in the developments.
he did it
The sighting at Crosbies Clearing was of a ‘swarthy’ man resembling Tamihere and a blonde with makeup. I don’t think that was the Swedes. Interestingly, in the podcast Bear Turner is identified as looking similar to Tamihere, and his girlfriend is described as a blonde who wore lots of make-up.
The only thing he relied on to say it wasn't the Swedes is that Heidi didn't wear makeup.

To me that meant nothing. She was a stunning blonde.

Now I just have to ask, how many stunning blondes were in Crosbies Clearing with a guy who looked like David Tamihere in April 1989. Crosbies Clearing is a 5 hour tramp from the road, and a further 3 hours down the road to Thames.

Being such a stunner, they may have thought she wore makeup.

We know for sure Tamihere was there, and their belongings.

He clearly took her away from the Turner farm, and up the road apparently, but he was seen in Whangamata with her, and without Sven.

The only thing that is certain is that Sven was not killed there, and may have not ever been there.
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Interestingly, in the podcast Bear Turner is identified as looking similar to Tamihere, and his girlfriend is described as a blonde who wore lots of make-up.
yes I heard that,and that is a possible explanation for some of the sightings, except the one on the Kopu Road...but the one at Crosbies Clearing is a possibility as well.
Having said that about dna the Ben Smart and Olivia hope murders stink.
The similarity in that case was they knew they had a violent sex offender on their hands, who don't exist in great numbers, and guess who was at the place that night?

They could not,and did not bring that evidence to the jury, and as for the panted hair, there was other supporting evidence of his guilt.
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