Sports Transgender in Sport

Transgender women have been barred from international cricket as part of new regulations from the International Cricket Council (ICC).

After a nine-month consultation process, the ICC has decreed any player who has gone through male puberty is ineligible to play international cricket, regardless of treatment taken to transition.

"The changes to the gender eligibility regulations resulted from an extensive consultation process and is founded in science and aligned with the core principles developed during the review," ICC chief executive Geoff Allardice said.

"Inclusivity is incredibly important to us as a sport, but our priority was to protect the integrity of the international women's game and the safety of players."

The new regulations will be reviewed again at the end of 2025. Gender eligibility at domestic level is being left for each individual national board to decide.

The move comes after 2022 saw swimming and athletics make similar decisions, whereby athletes who have gone through male puberty are banned from women's competition.

Earlier this year, World Athletics banned transgender women from female events, while cycling and rugby league have also taken similar steps.

Common sense seems to be prevailing. Or is it seen by some as discrimination?

Many other sports bodies have already made the same decision.

For what it's worth there was a segment about a similar topic on newstalk zb a few years back. Related to Laurel Hubbard if I remember correctly. I heard about 90% of the segment and every single caller was against transgender athletes from competing against women. This included callers from the LGBTQ community.
From everything I've read, the transgender community are the biggest victims of psychological, physical and sexual abuse proportionally. Very high rate of self harm/suicide even compared to others in the rainbow community.
These are much more pressing issues that should be addressed rather than whether they can compete against biologically born women IMHO.

John Nick

For what it's worth there was a segment about a similar topic on newstalk zb a few years back. Related to Laurel Hubbard if I remember correctly. I heard about 90% of the segment and every single caller was against transgender athletes from competing against women. This included callers from the LGBTQ community.
From everything I've read, the transgender community are the biggest victims of psychological, physical and sexual abuse proportionally. Very high rate of self harm/suicide even compared to others in the rainbow community.
These are much more pressing issues that should be addressed rather than whether they can compete against biologically born women IMHO.
I would have thought that if you are to be transgender giving up on competitive sports is to be expected
Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Agree, true, what the hell are these dumb asses trying to do, most probably can't make it in a mans league as a man wtf, leave our beautiful alone you pricks, got nothing against someone who wants to identify as a woman or a kitchen sink, knock yourself out, but do you realise how much muscle a male has compared to a female any contest will be like a child going up against a child!!!, it is blatantly an unfair advantage, and this really shits on the long fight our women have fought throughout history to try to gain rights and mana in todays society

John Nick

Agree, true, what the hell are these dumb asses trying to do, most probably can't make it in a mans league as a man wtf, leave our beautiful alone you pricks, got nothing against someone who wants to identify as a woman or a kitchen sink, knock yourself out, but do you realise how much muscle a male has compared to a female any contest will be like a child going up against a child!!!, it is blatantly an unfair advantage, and this really shits on the long fight our women have fought throughout history to try to gain rights and mana in todays society
My opinion for what its worth.
If you are going to transgender ,don't expect to be able to compete in any competitive sports.
Too much liberal nonsense in the world today
I'd consider myself a liberal, don't lump this nonsense in with us 😃.
I grew up in the 90's where the f word was used commonly around school and unfortunately probably used it myself in my younger days at times.

A bit older and maybe a bit wiser has taught me we are all human and everyone has a right to live how they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
Like I said earlier there was a segment on newstalk zb a few years back and not a single caller was for transgender in female sports including a few callers from the lgbtq community.
Ever wonder why you never see any female to male trans trying to compete in men's sport 😉
A bit older and maybe a bit wiser has taught me we are all human and everyone has a right to live how they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
Exactly my point

If the 0.5% of the confused population want to call themselves transgender - more power to them unless it disrupts the lives of the 99.5% normal people. Which is what happens when liberals want to give everyone a voice.

The 0.5% population should only get 0.5% attention


I dunno much about transgenders in sports but I've never heard a convincing argument for biological males to compete against females, so excluding them seems to be the only sensible answer.
Actually I've never heard anyone try to argue for it except trans athletes themselves, and unfortunately it's just inherently unfair.
I'd consider myself liberal in LGBTQ matters but sport is different. American politics have made the word "liberal" cringe now, like boomers who say patriot and woke while simping for Putin.
Keep the culture wars out of our sports and stick to the simple gospel of Ricky Gervais in these matters, just don't be a cunt.
Exactly my point

If the 0.5% of the confused population want to call themselves transgender - more power to them unless it disrupts the lives of the 99.5% normal people. Which is what happens when liberals want to give everyone a voice.

The 0.5% population should only get 0.5% attention
Those neoliberals are scum eh

Tookey 2.0

To be honest I think it's a difficult question. I agree 100% that someone born a male will have an unfair advantage playing sports against women as generally, men are designed to me larger, faster, stronger etc. That is the rule, but there are many exceptions to this.

What about the other way tho? What if someone born female has transitioned to a man - do we have any complaints if they are good enough to get picked in the NRL?

I dunno, doesn't it just seem shit that transgenders should 'just give up competition' because it's too hard to make a call currently?

Tookey 2.0

What about short people wanting to do the high jump?

Sometimes life isn’t fair?

Yeah fair point. And I recall a few years back I believe a transgender woman smashed all of the women's weight lifting competition a few years ago, how is that fair to the women who have trained most their lives only to lose to someone who was born as a male?

So yeah I deffo don't have all the answers. It's quite an interesting debate tho I think
As a first comment, using the word liberal as some sort of attack line identifies those who have consumed way too much American far right media.

Secondly, as others have touched on there is no easy answer, particularly as stopgap measures like limiting testosterone haven't really worked.

For my 2c, I completely support the right of people to transition and to identify as transgender. Ultimately though, in transitioning you may need to accept there's some things (like competitive sports) that you need to forego.

John Nick

As a first comment, using the word liberal as some sort of attack line identifies those who have consumed way too much American far right media.

Secondly, as others have touched on there is no easy answer, particularly as stopgap measures like limiting testosterone haven't really worked.

For my 2c, I completely support the right of people to transition and to identify as transgender. Ultimately though, in transitioning you may need to accept there's some things (like competitive sports) that you need to forego.
My thoughts exactly.
You are just way more eloquent than me.