First 20min - AFB/Barney/Ford/Laban/Tohu
20-40min - AFB/Ale/Ford/Zyon Maiu’u/Walker
40-50min - AFB/Ale/Ford/Zyon Maiu’u/Walker
50-65min - Tohu/Barney/Ford/Laban/Walker
65-80min - Tohu/AFB/Ford/Barney/Walker
Happy hour for the other team after 20min so bring on triple change Ale for D, Zyon Maiu’u to smash them on attack and Walker to do his usual leg speed/ballplay
We’ve been conceding right after halftime too so keep the smash bros on smashing for 10 more minutes, then bring back the others and rest AFB till 65th, Laban to smash it for 15min then come off
The 3 bench forwards get 30min+ each see if they can resolve the soft middle stages of the game, Webby has been playing 2 bench forwards until Zyon Maiu’u went berserk
20-40min - AFB/Ale/Ford/Zyon Maiu’u/Walker
40-50min - AFB/Ale/Ford/Zyon Maiu’u/Walker
50-65min - Tohu/Barney/Ford/Laban/Walker
65-80min - Tohu/AFB/Ford/Barney/Walker
Happy hour for the other team after 20min so bring on triple change Ale for D, Zyon Maiu’u to smash them on attack and Walker to do his usual leg speed/ballplay
We’ve been conceding right after halftime too so keep the smash bros on smashing for 10 more minutes, then bring back the others and rest AFB till 65th, Laban to smash it for 15min then come off
The 3 bench forwards get 30min+ each see if they can resolve the soft middle stages of the game, Webby has been playing 2 bench forwards until Zyon Maiu’u went berserk