NRL Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs

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By Simon Chapman (WWOS Website)

Tevita Pangai Junior says he's heard from just two Bulldogs players and one coach since leaving the NRL.
Speaking on Triple M's Rocks Footy, Pangai Junior spoke openly on the subject.

"I've heard from probably two players and the coach since I've left," said Pangai Junior.

"In total, I can count on two hands who I'm still friends with in the game. All this brotherhood talk, it's all rubbish. It's all fake.
"People hate the truth. That's the truth.

"I just love to tell it how it is. The people I look up to, you think Gus (Gould) wants to answer to a board and his footy IQ is higher than them? It's crazy."
Gould seems to be following his strategy from Penrith. He signed a lot of players in the early years there as well to the point it seemed like he was addicted to it. Some of the churn was guys coming in and leaving quickly. Clint Newton for example Gould pushed as they needed leadership, to show players how to train. A year later they didn't need that as much.

He was busy this year for the Bulldogs. I read somewhere 9 players.

The Center of Excellence reads similar to what he did at Penrith. The Bulldogs already spent a lot when Hasler came in. Not sure if that stuff has aged out or gives them a good base to start from.

If Gould turns things around or not will depend on a few things.
  • Time will he see it through or move on to another role? Will the Bulldogs board have the patience to see if through with the money they will be investing?
  • Can also see the relationship turning sour. Similar to the put above with the board wanting results or Gould wanting to spend more money. Gould has moved on a bit in club land due to politics or relationships being strained.
  • The Panthers success came off some great talent coming through at the same time. They may get a similar group come through, they may not. It could help with balancing their cap.
What he is trying to achieve is similar to what the Warriors have talked about. The lessons are similar. Invest and have patience. We have talked a lot over the last 10 years on what is needed and not seeing things through to completion.
Gould seems to be following his strategy from Penrith. He signed a lot of players in the early years there as well to the point it seemed like he was addicted to it. Some of the churn was guys coming in and leaving quickly. Clint Newton for example Gould pushed as they needed leadership, to show players how to train. A year later they didn't need that as much.

He was busy this year for the Bulldogs. I read somewhere 9 players.

The Center of Excellence reads similar to what he did at Penrith. The Bulldogs already spent a lot when Hasler came in. Not sure if that stuff has aged out or gives them a good base to start from.

If Gould turns things around or not will depend on a few things.
  • Time will he see it through or move on to another role? Will the Bulldogs board have the patience to see if through with the money they will be investing?
  • Can also see the relationship turning sour. Similar to the put above with the board wanting results or Gould wanting to spend more money. Gould has moved on a bit in club land due to politics or relationships being strained.
  • The Panthers success came off some great talent coming through at the same time. They may get a similar group come through, they may not. It could help with balancing their cap.
What he is trying to achieve is similar to what the Warriors have talked about. The lessons are similar. Invest and have patience. We have talked a lot over the last 10 years on what is needed and not seeing things through to completion.
Yeah he ended up paying freight to get rid of most the players he signed in his early days with the Panthers.
I understand signing whist pathways develop but the scattergun approach, then cut an pay freight doesn’t seem too strategic to me.
Would anyone be surprised if the Dogs were in the same spot this time next year? The only safe players are Mahoney, Kikau, Crichton, Burton, and Preston, I can see everyone else being gone just as soon as they showed up

If/when they go moving players again, I would like if we looked at that edge they just signed.. Joe Curran I think his name is?
Yeah Gould is trying to do the same thing as Penrith.

1. Buy a bunch of midrange guys with strengths and flaws but who have the right attitude.

2. See who sinks or swims with the coach/systems in place.

3. Bring through higher ceiling juniors who are expected to surpass the midrange while maintaining the standards.

TBF to Gould we're doing a lesser version of that same strategy.

Replicating the Panthers junior success and transferring it to first grade is the tricky part.
Also sounds like the reason the bulldogs haven’t announced the signing of Taukieho is because catalans haven’t officially released him yet and are trying to sort something with the bulldogs.
Pretty crap of the Bulldogs telling their former captain not to come in to training. Will likely want him to get anxious and ask for a release so they can free up their cap space. Hopefully if a club does pick him up play hard ball and tell them to pay a decent amount of his salary.

A big fall from grace from being their club captain 12 months ago.

Okay we don't know the full story. They may have issues with him off the field. But at the moment it comes off as they club has decided to move on and have taken action to push him out.
So does Taukieho turn up to pre season training?

Or does he sit around as well and wait for the Bulldogs to sort things out.
Anyone know why Gus’s private meetings are always in cafes and never in club offices??

Tbf the most recent one with RFM was at the Canterbury Leagues Club, Idk how the nrl leagues clubs really work but I would guess that the offices are all part of the same building complex?

But yeah, still a bit suspect.. or just plain stupid

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