Current Affairs California Dreamin'

All the leaves are brown.....And the sky is gray......I've been for a walk..........On a Winters day...........I'd be safe and warm.........If I was in LA......

Anyone wanna explain what is going on in America?????........ Are we seeing the disintegration of modern society right before our very eyes?... who's responsible?...............



All the leaves are brown.....And the sky is gray......I've been for a walk..........On a Winters day...........I'd be safe and warm.........If I was in LA......

Anyone wanna explain what is going on in America?????........ Are we seeing the disintegration of modern society right before our very eyes?... who's responsible?...............

Looks like videos of some flash mobs looting, what's your theory for who's responsible? Probably whoever organised them.
Looks like videos of some flash mobs looting, what's your theory for who's responsible? Probably whoever organised them.

Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.

The fine for misdemeanour is up to $1000 or 6 months in prison. About the same same as a speeding ticket or a parking fine.
You have George Soros funded district attorneys who are letting off violent criminals.
You also have the law where you can take up to around 1000 dollars of stuff and not get arrested.
You have shop owners who are protecting their stores serving times where the criminals are being let free.
Homelessness is out of control.
Cultural marxism is out of control with their teachings that must be an oppressor and an oppressed class its all just a quiet revolution where people will want more government control in their lives.

If your a business owner there how would you feel when they cleaned up San Francisco for a communist leader of China and had Chinese flags all in their streets. How would you feel as a business owner who had been asking for years for it to be cleaned up, and he does it for China and the Governor is on video saying so.

Let's not forget California's Governor and ex San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsome will likely be the democrat nominee for president imo his state is on fire, but I guess it's what some people call progress.

There are parts of California that want to succeed from that union.
Also see Portland and Oregon.
It's the tearing down of capitalism to put in communism
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Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.

The fine for misdemeanour is up to $1000 or 6 months in prison. About the same same as a speeding ticket or a parking fine.
My kid works at Bunnings and there is shoplifting every day. The store basically just lets them go as there’s nothing they can do about it. Just trying to guilt trip them or inconvenience them.

So there are regulars that come in all the time to take what they want.

Worst thing is us honest people pay for it through higher prices.


From guns to legalising all drugs and now stealing … Merica got some real problem aye… lead by a president suffering from dementia.. you can’t make this shit up….
Trump crime family, Biden crime family, Bushes, Clintons... there's a pattern here

Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal the lot and they make you king, isn't that the American dream?


Get infuriated by the entitlement of these pieces of shit that think it’s their right to take what they want.
Problem is there are plenty of people to make excuses and condone it, ironically usually the same that will be the first to complain when prices rise to cover the losses.
Average Joe is funding their entitlement and in many cases their lifestyle.
I spent a large amount of time in loss prevention a decade or more ago and retailers were becoming more and more powerless to actually do anything about it dwindled to the point where it was essentially cheaper to cop the loss than the manpower and preventative equipment/fixture costs.
When I started you could use ‘minimal means’ to restrain until police arrived, that then became classified as “detainment” to the point where u weren’t even allowed to question anyone in a room with a closed door. Even then you could only “invite” the offender and imply they had to wait for police but it was quickly know particularly to the more experienced that you were under no obligation to stay.
You used to be able to have a photo or footage of the offender on file once they had been trespassed but that then became a privacy issue which meant trespass notices were essentially useless unless as police wouldn’t come without positive I’d which - you guessed it- the person was under no obligation to provide.
We used to be able to persue and observe if they did a runner until police arrived- which then stopped due to ohs issues.
Then definition of ‘theft’ changed, it used to be “intent to not to purchase” ie open a food item and stash the empty packet, in this scenario it changed to passing the POS and even then you had to give them a chance to pay in case it had been an honest oversight.
TLDR it’s way too easy to steal with 9/10 no consequences at all- even for repeat offenders- and retailers are virtually powerless to stop it
Get infuriated by the entitlement of these pieces of shit that think it’s their right to take what they want.
Problem is there are plenty of people to make excuses and condone it, ironically usually the same that will be the first to complain when prices rise to cover the losses.
Average Joe is funding their entitlement and in many cases their lifestyle.
I spent a large amount of time in loss prevention a decade or more ago and retailers were becoming more and more powerless to actually do anything about it dwindled to the point where it was essentially cheaper to cop the loss than the manpower and preventative equipment/fixture costs.
When I started you could use ‘minimal means’ to restrain until police arrived, that then became classified as “detainment” to the point where u weren’t even allowed to question anyone in a room with a closed door. Even then you could only “invite” the offender and imply they had to wait for police but it was quickly know particularly to the more experienced that you were under no obligation to stay.
You used to be able to have a photo or footage of the offender on file once they had been trespassed but that then became a privacy issue which meant trespass notices were essentially useless unless as police wouldn’t come without positive I’d which - you guessed it- the person was under no obligation to provide.
We used to be able to persue and observe if they did a runner until police arrived- which then stopped due to ohs issues.
Then definition of ‘theft’ changed, it used to be “intent to not to purchase” ie open a food item and stash the empty packet, in this scenario it changed to passing the POS and even then you had to give them a chance to pay in case it had been an honest oversight.
TLDR it’s way too easy to steal with 9/10 no consequences at all- even for repeat offenders- and retailers are virtually powerless to stop it
The majority of them are all kids

Feel for the small mum and pap stores. It would be a horrendous and traumatic experience for them

I don’t blame the kids - it’s a societal problem, no one is looking after these kids or teaching them proper family values due to double income parents or broken families. Mixed in with light penalties it’s a receipe for a total breakdown in societal values ….

Social media then spreads it like wild fire and the shit you see in the US will start finding its way here..

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