i caught this show talking about special effects used in real time in american sports.
ive long been critical of the nrl for ignoring useful tech and treating the fans like idiots when they claim the bunker gives perfect results.
this video while a bit of fun and interesting in showing what americans can see, highlights what we are missing out on. the worst of it is, a lot of the tech shown is already in use on the pitch. the gps on the players, the camera mapping to put adds on grass etc.
anyway watch the vid, think about those forward passes that we all see that are invisible to the ref, the offside plays, the fake 10 meters etc and just how easy it would be to accurately make those impossible calls
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qkWWcjeL_zM&pp=ygUNY29ycmlkb3IgY3Jldw%3D%3D
ive long been critical of the nrl for ignoring useful tech and treating the fans like idiots when they claim the bunker gives perfect results.
this video while a bit of fun and interesting in showing what americans can see, highlights what we are missing out on. the worst of it is, a lot of the tech shown is already in use on the pitch. the gps on the players, the camera mapping to put adds on grass etc.
anyway watch the vid, think about those forward passes that we all see that are invisible to the ref, the offside plays, the fake 10 meters etc and just how easy it would be to accurately make those impossible calls
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qkWWcjeL_zM&pp=ygUNY29ycmlkb3IgY3Jldw%3D%3D