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General Ad Blockers


Got a heap of messages today, so hopefully this gives an insight. Ads are annoying. We will discuss that, but first lets talk about why this site has ads.

The need for ads
Ads on this site go a long way to keeping this site running. It provides constant funds to maintain current costs (hosting, myriad of software/addon licences) as well as future upgrades (for example recently paid a deposit for an updated player ratings module that costs 3k USD). A lot of features you guys see on here, that arent on most other forums cost money. Ads and contributor memberships enable us to provide that. In the ideal world, the less ads that would be on this site that are better.

Ad blockers

A lot of people use ad blockers. This community is generally really good. However a recent update found that ~20% of regular users on this site use ad blocks on this site. To alleviate that, in the past i have had to put more ads up. Thats a quick and shitty way of dealing with things and only disadvantages the users who either show ads or get a contributor membership.

Over the past few days, there has been enhancements on how adblockers are tracked. This found a bunch of previously undetectable adblock users. If you know you know - usually you get a notice at the top of each page alerting you to the fact. Adblocker users have somewhat limited account privileges. You will still be able to read and post, but some things may not be visible or served i.e. live postings etc.

I would not recommend turning adblock on and off many times on this page. If you are found to be using an adblocker, and get served the courtesy notice at the top to disable it, after viewing 3 pages (not 3 quick refreshes of the page lol) you will automatically have your account reinstated to full previledges. After the 2nd occurence of finding adblock again on your account, that goes to viewing 9 pages, the next one is at 15 and climbs higher and higher. If you are using an adblock, the recommendation is to whitelist the site. Unfortunately there are too many out there, so please dont contact me to help you out with that. Google is your best friend.

If you find you are adblocking and have turned it off, or wondering why you are getting the notice when you dont use such software, this page provides an insight for your account on when the adblock was detected:

If in doubt, send me a message.

There is always an option to support the site currently and for the future by upgrading your account to a contributor membership. There is no obligation to do that.

TLDR; Dont use adblockers you bunch of freeloaders :)
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That's cool. I don't mind ads but wow some of the irrelevant ads are mind blowing. Also i count about 8 of the same video ad all sucking internet juice and yeah I get the site needs it so go ahead and I'll consider my ability to financially support.

*Appreciate the post tajhay
Complete understand the struggles of setting up a new site after the old one got hacked.

The old one was king though ngl and the ads are super invasive on this one but that’s all good. However I can’t find the exact section when I someone likes my comment or reply’s to it. It throws me into oblivion
The old one was king though ngl and the ads are super invasive on this one but that’s all good. However I can’t find the exact section when I someone likes my comment or reply’s to it. It throws me into oblivion
Yeah ill tidy up the ads when i get a chance. For example the top one that ops down shouldnt be appearing. Idea is to reduce ads and those adblock users are not helpimg so taking resources away away from them to make site faster for users who do the right thing.

Btw its the bell icon at the top next to your username that shows who liked or replied to your post. Could be very well noone liked it though ;)
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Yeah ill tidy up the ads when i get a chance. For example the top one that ops down shouldnt be appearing. Idea is to reduce ads and those adblock users are not helpimg so taking resources away away from them to make site faster for users who do the right thing.

Btw its the bell icon at the top next to your username that shows who liked or replied to your post. Could be very well noone liked it though ;)

Haha nah it’s when they quote what you say and you click on it but it goes somewhere completely random instead of straight to the reply.

But your probably right 😂😂😂
Haha nah it’s when they quote what you say and you click on it but it goes somewhere completely random instead of straight to the reply.

But your probably right 😂😂😂
Aah you are using the dark style. Thats probably the issue. I havent worked on that for a while. Ill get that sorted in the offseason.
Haha nah it’s when they quote what you say and you click on it but it goes somewhere completely random instead of straight to the reply.

But your probably right 😂😂😂
Mine has a mouse trap trigger mechanism that waits until I click ....... anything. Hahahaha to the ads you go. Maybe I'll buy that Volvo. Or get Musashi products because Reece Walsh. Or buy that heavily discounted shed. Or that other shed. Or boost profitability for my business by clicking that link. Or buy some of that eco-tan products. Aaah the joys of ads before content hahaha
I couldn’t access the site for a few weeks after getting an adblocker message, despite not using adblocker. Might mine be something to do with using Safari on iPad?

Have I missed anything? Is Bruce back?
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Really playing havoc. Managed to get a message to tajhay yesterday and he got me back up and running saying that ad blocker hadn’t been on for a bit. I’ve never manually added an ad blocker so not sure how they come about? Came onto the site before typing this and ad blocker message returned, then dropped out to normal list of threads? Are there turks prowling?
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Just wondering, has anyone here ever actually purchased something via a popup or banner ad on a website?

They will forever be as annoying as f@ck (not just here, pretty much any website forum or otherwise) and I don't get how anyone would actually want to buy something from somewhere that makes their online experiencing more annoying 😅
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Really playing havoc. Managed to get a message to tajhay yesterday and he got me back up and running saying that ad blocker hadn’t been on for a bit. I’ve never manually added an ad blocker so not sure how they come about? Came onto the site before typing this and ad blocker message returned, then dropped out to normal list of threads? Are there turks prowling?
Yeah I have the same message on the front page but have ads popping up everywhere. Maybe the reporting software is inaccurate or the site is corrupted
Yeah I have the same message on the front page but have ads popping up everywhere. Maybe the reporting software is inaccurate or the site is corrupted
Looks like you sorted it out. Its not innaccurate. But as pointed out in the first post there is a penalty period applied if adblock is turned off. Someone not whitelisting initially and continuosly turning it on and off is going to spend a bit of time with their account limited. That account limitation is automatic. Sometimes site loading will be slower, sometimes features disabled, and depending on server load it may also mean posting rights will be impacted.

Essentially site will be giving lower priority to adblock users unless whitelisted. All the imformation is in the first post including how to check how long after turning off ads.
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Looks like you sorted it out. Its not innaccurate. But as pointed out in the first post there is a penalty period applied if adblock is turned off. Someone not whitelisting initially and continuosly turning it on and off is going to spend a bit of time with their account limited. That account limitation is automatic. Sometimes site loading will be slower, sometimes features disabled, and depending on server load it may also mean posting rights will be impacted.

Essentially site will be giving lower priority to adblock users unless whitelisted. All the imformation is in the first post including how to check how long after turning off ads.
Yeah sorry wasn’t having a crack at all. Was just genuinely worried as I don’t have any ad blocker software installed and didn’t understand the process. Thanks for the response
Yeah sorry wasn’t having a crack at all. Was just genuinely worried as I don’t have any ad blocker software installed and didn’t understand the process. Thanks for the response

I think when you hit the link it shows u where the ad blocker is coming from?

I’ve been meaning to sign up as a contributor but failed a couple of times already as I don’t have a paypal account 🤷🏻‍♂️.. I’ll sort it out later 👋
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