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  1. Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Annesley is the Phillip Morris spokesperson of the NRL. When a PM spokesperson moves on (and joins the National Party) another takes their place. Annesley is doing exactly what the NRL needs him to do. Grade 2 for a late hit (but legal tackle) is hilarious though! But Annesley has gaslighting...
  2. Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Our nuggety hookers always seem to turn out as locks - Havili, Clarke, Otukolo playing some time there in lower grades. Tafua looks a more traditional hooker's build
  3. Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    The goal would have been directly in front, and close. Burton is one of the more likely to kick a 2 point field goal, but it is still a 90% chance he doesn't Likewise the try. It would have taken something special for the Warriors to lose that if justifiable penalties had been blown in that...
  4. NRL NRL Round 18, 2024 Discussion

    I reckon it is just like the Dally Ms. Perpetuating the hero favourites for marketing the game. Look how long it took Dylan Edwards to get a shot at rep footy. Form is only a quarter of the battle.
  5. NRL NRL Round 18, 2024 Discussion

    That is utter bullshit. The fact that it went up to the bunker and it was ruled to be of no consequence, yet another set of eyes sees a very serious charge. That is as wildly inconsistent as it gets. It is hard not to see that as cynical. The NRL owes the Warriors two points that are fairly...
  6. NRL NRL Round 18, 2024 Discussion

    "What you fans are too thick to understand is...." That's the usual.
  7. Player Leka Halasima

    That debut was very promising. A couple of missed tackles, but considering he was out of position he acquitted himself pretty well. Great energy, some barnstorming runs, good speed. And the absolute crowning glory was the brilliant desperation tackle to prevent a very dangerous line break. Well...
  8. Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Yet another example of a draw being the right result rather than this golden point unofficiated lolly scramble
  9. Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Jazz on report for a crusher that Kikau repeated to him in our last set. Montoya on report for a shoulder that Kikau repeated in our last set. TMM hit high and late. Cleared by the bunker. Dumped late on his next kick too. The refs notoriously put the whistle away in golden point, but players...
  10. Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Deserved that win, and got a bit ripped off. No luck at all in a crucial time of the season against a top 8 rival Those Warriors played their guts out. Didn't deserve that.
  11. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Kikau does a crusher and then a shoulder charge. Both carbon copies of what we were penalised for in the first half
  12. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    The positive is that CHT struck both kicks okay
  13. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Good play Mahoney. This is one of the best games I have ever watched.
  14. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    RTS needed this confidence
  15. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Should have taken 1 earlier too. If they were reading the game properly there were opportunities for a field goal from 15-10 minutes out we should have gone for
  16. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    We have just seen the value of youth
  17. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Was that Halasima. Sign him up til 2037
  18. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    No one willing to risk taking the ball on the full. Lucky to get away with it
  19. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Big set on defence and then one shot at it
  20. Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    That call on TMM was a stain on a brilliant game. Absolutely engineered a different result