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  1. Stalefish540

    Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    I've never been in the refs are out to get us camp, but I've always been in the they are bunch of incompetent muppets camp. - 2-3 weeks for Salmon - Mahoney 2m offside on the charge down tough article to see both of those included 😂...
  2. Stalefish540

    Post Match Bulldogs v Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    CHT and TMM couldn't have picked a worse game to both have absolute clanger performances, minus their defence. Unsure if it was the semi-final intensity of the game that exposed that. But yea we are all well aware of both of their lack of a top tier kicking game, which really got a light shone...
  3. Stalefish540

    Gameday Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]

    Think of Blocker's level of CTE, then dial that up to 10. You now have your answer, his brain is cooked.
  4. Stalefish540

    General NSW Cup 2024

    The Dogs have a fair bit more FG experience in their squad. Not too worrying considering.
  5. Stalefish540

    General NSW Cup 2024

    Don't get to watch a lot of ressies in Aus. The hooker is impressive.
  6. Stalefish540

    General NSW Cup 2024

    Kosi - "you'se got what you wanted".
  7. Stalefish540

    TeamList Bulldogs vs Warriors - [Round 18, 2024]'s something that would get targeted. I heard the hand was broken way back then, but the club have been pretty light on details about the whole thing. ***didn't want to say it on here in case it was true. But seems he's been slapped with the indefinite sticker now, so doesn't really matter.
  8. Stalefish540

    Player Addin Fonua-Blake

    AFB strikes me as a mercenary, and doesn't overly care too much about any jersey he wears. I have always thought he'd easily give back that Kiwis jersey if it meant he could play origin and get that extra 90k a year. Can definitely turn it on when game day roles around because he is a top three...
  9. Stalefish540

    Staff Andrew Webster

    This all feels pretty spot on as usual, mate. It seems there could be a number of things bubbling under the surface at the club, that finally came to a head possibly in the lead up to this game where it boiled over. Webby has made some very strange decisions throughout the year, which have...
  10. Stalefish540

    Post Match Warriors v Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    Unfortunately think Jake has been beefed up in the offseason to be a middle, so we won't be seeing him out there on the edge.
  11. Stalefish540

    Post Match Warriors v Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    Hoping for CHT left and TMM right next week. CNK was alright, but more attacking and kicking threat with both CHT and TMM in there.
  12. Stalefish540

    Post Match Warriors v Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    It was for the offside. Funny thing is we actually had one last week and they only called a penalty.
  13. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    Same with Sifakula's ACL. He would have been super handy this season, and would have got some FG time for certain you'd have to imagine with all our middle injuries.
  14. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    Definitely agree on that front re needing some energy to spice up the vanilla. I don't think you'd get more than 20mins total out of him though currently. Even a 20min stint he'd be gassing if the game was in a grind back and forth position. I can't watch reggies in Aus unfortunately, but all...
  15. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    Just to play devils advocate. He had a 12min stint in which we had the ball the vast majority of that time. Think last time I looked he had 5 or 6 tackles. But he was dusted at the end of that stint, which is to be expected by most rookie props. Our starting middles have all been front loaded...
  16. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    What should be being asked, is why is an NRL top 30 contracted winger looking and moving like a prop.
  17. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    This idea that a winger can transition to a prop is always the funniest. You have to be cut from a certain cloth to be an NRL middle forward, that involves having somewhat of a screw loose. Kosi would get eaten alive in the middle.
  18. Stalefish540

    TeamList Warriors vs Panthers - [Round 11, 2024]

    I didn't feel any itch of excitement leading into the game last week. But feeling a bit after seeing the teamlist. Perhaps it's because looking at that we should get railroaded so what's the worst than can happen. No SJ means they need to rejig and mix up the attack a bit. Few fresh faces as...
  19. Stalefish540

    Post Match Roosters v Warriors - [Round 10, 2024]

    Oh nah I am 100% onboard with that side of things and have said as much. We are 100% the only team that doesn't contest kicks. Just meaning in terms of aggressive players, Barnett and Jake are the only two that are out and out mongrels on both sides of the ball. That doesn't mean that some of...
  20. Stalefish540

    Pick Your Team Warriors v Panthers - Round 11, 2024 PICK YOUR TEAM

    Hopefully CHT is fit. He can run the show on the left, move TMM back to the right. Whilst TMM has been Harry Houdini out there, the bits of reggies I've seen of him this year atleast have him as a better left to right passer which may help. When Metcalf went down CHT was solid in the Knights...