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  1. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    McFadden names 6s,Volkman is a 7.
  2. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    “For one more” 😂😂
  3. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Yeah he didn’t expect to but did he say this is my last year?
  4. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    You should be sure haha. He’s a sky sport commentator in 2025…
  5. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Shaun Johnson is retiring don’t even think about him for 2025. His Instagram post literally said “see Yas next year for one more”
  6. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Berry, ford, lussick, metcalf, jazz, taine, dwz.
  7. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Hasn’t been announced or anything but he will be on your TV screens next year.
  8. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Don’t know what ur uncs is hearing. SJ already signed with sky sport for next year. He’s retiring… did you see his Instagram post as well? “One last dance”
  9. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    We offered nothing quite sure I remember cam George saying it never went past a general chat
  10. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Most likely Losing all of tohus money
  11. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    I think the warriors have fired all the people in the club who where “leaks” or good mates with prominent media members. We would also hear news of signings etc in 2022 and before. 2023 we have heard nothing from signing rumours etc and only hear about signings when the warriors finally announce...
  12. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Fox reckons we or cowboys sign waqa-Blake
  13. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Williame retired, that makes it 27 in top 30 I think, why don’t we sign fa’amanu brown
  14. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    I don’t follow super league
  15. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Warriors looking at Harry Smith from Wigan pretty sure
  16. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Pick Your Team Potential Kiwis Team 2023

    Smith and Crossland not playing
  17. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    No he’s not. Why would a dude who’s played for the warriors forever be on the min, aka the same coin as ali, ale, Kosi etc
  18. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Denny played for north harbour and was terrible gone back to England
  19. nzwarriorsfaithful

    Recruitment Warriors 2024/2025 Recruitment & Retention

    Off contract end of 2024. 3.