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  1. NRL NRL Naughty chair

    True. But theres also a difference between leaving a boot where you found it or running 30 metres away before dropping it. Yeah i remember them making this an offence a few years back, im not sure if one specific incident sparked was funny tho watching a boot flying into the crowd,
  2. Player Shaun Johnson

    Questioning performance and wether the'yve still got the legs for first grade is fine and understandable imo.....particulary based on this seasons displays. The doubts and speculation over their personal characters and how some forumers have even convinced themselves to believe that someone...
  3. Player Shaun Johnson

    The audacity of the prick!
  4. Player Shaun Johnson

    Not disagreeing. But wishing personal injury on someone and getting stuck into players families is something ive never understood....(and quite glad i dont tbh)
  5. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Lol i think maybe the 18th man escaped being called out......just. 66 points wants blood ;)
  6. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Your uninformed presumptions are more on the money than most peoples "facts" So....... A F B?
  7. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Mate just wondering is this based on some inside info or just your own read based on performances? This forum pretty much takes your word as testament and it seems to have set everyone off on demonizing player, x, y, and z lol. Care to elaborate on that player? Would probably stop some pretty...
  8. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    What i will add is that before the game a number of team selections just didnt sit right with me. For the life of me couldnt understand why you'd move Dylan to an edge. Its been his ability to create ruck speed in the middle thats had a major bearing on our improved performances. Isolating him...
  9. Post Match Titans v Warriors - [Round 16, 2024]

    Was at a function last nite they had the game on in the background on mute, Was trying to watch but through the beers and the banter couldnt really focus on it. But it was almost like everytime i looked up at the screen a Titan was running away to score. As that score mounted we were like "what...
  10. State of Origin State of Origin

    Autocorrected ;)
  11. Post Match Warriors v Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    I thought it was just a bad judgement read tbh. Sensed an impending threat and looked to shut it down but got the read and timing way wrong. Seems to be the way with both DWZ and Montoya, the gap between their bad and good reads is vast. Its either very good or very bad......if they could...
  12. Post Match Warriors v Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Geez those sin bins were really costly eh? Sealed our fate tbh. We were only 2 points behind and had just started to wrest back the initiative with the Barnett try.......conceded 12 points which just made it a bridge too far. Wingers will always come up with an error or 2 but u dont need to...
  13. Post Match Warriors v Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    From 14-0 up thought it was pretty obvious we lost the momentum (and the game really) after that 20 minute mark through not being able to defend our penalties and errors. - Niukore gets pinged with that bs not square penalty, they march up field Katoa scores off the end of it - DWZ spills that...
  14. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Yeah they were so quick to call that. But then incredibly dumb from Montoya to get himself binned and as i post our other winger has just show Montoya doesnt have the monoploly on dumb......both have put our team under incredible pressure and the Storm have scored twice from it,
  15. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    One of the dumbest things ive seen on here tonight.....and theres been a few to choose from tbh....dont post intoxicated people
  16. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Fuckers will go back for that....but miss the one on our guy who even had blood coming out of his mouth from it?
  17. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Pretty clear now TMMs calling the shots. Being the big dogg come the big responsibilty.....on him now. Not out of it yet tho. Just need to cut the errors and penalties out.
  18. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Eli tearing us up
  19. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Yeah its almost worth not even contesting and just try and wrap him up ball and all
  20. Gameday Warriors vs Storm - [Round 15, 2024]

    Shot Charnze! Thats a hard pass to execute without it going forward but that was perfect.